Thursday, October 25, 2007

..sent on Angel's wings...

I was walking down the street today, lost in my own world, oblivious to what was happening around me, I'm not sure whether its the sweet smell of strong cologne that slapped my senses back or the gentle, yet handsome face of this stranger with half a smile curved on his lips who stopped me to ask for directions to a building. His manner was polite and his approach was nice, something almost out of a movie. His whole mien screamt "polite-yet-down-to-earth" sort of guy. In the same breath he enquired, I responded & proceeded to make small talk. At this magical moment, the feeling of tranquility came over me, I felt like I was floating in an ocean of peace & I was able to push my worries to the back of my head momentarily. The moment lasted not more than 2 minutes but to me it felt like Eons. I am elated because today....I met an Angel.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Days of my lives

As I approach year end, I can't help but reflect back and take stock of my life in the last 10 months. Truth be told...I've had better years than this..why? well, simply because I've had my share of lows that surpass any highs that could have been and sadly this has to do with matters of the heart. I am not complaining though neither am I wallowing in self-pity, hell no! because I'm a strong black phenomenal woman. Truth be told, I am ecstatic at becoming of age and taking in life with renewed energy that one day my name will be engraved among the sieges and saints of humanity but before that happens, I still walk with my head held up high...